Amazing workshop! Ear cleaning exercise and DIY eco-sensing w/ Eric Leonardson @ericleonardson @designonmain203 @isugd @isucollegeofdesign #SusE #MDesSE #iowa #midwest #acousticEcology #soundart #art #listening #design #isugd A post shared by Alex Braidwood (@formalplay) on Mar 26, 2018 at 4:12pm PDT
Tag: art
Balance-Unbalance 2017 Advances In Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape: A Virtual Panel
Our panel discussion for the Balance-Unbalance 2017 “Sense of Place” conference in Plymouth, UK streams on YouTube Live. Advances in Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape: A Virtual Panel takes place at 2:20-3:20pm BST (8:20-9:20am US CDT), on Wednesday, August 23. I’ll be leading a panel with Lindsey French and Linda Keane at The School of the… Continue reading Balance-Unbalance 2017 Advances In Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape: A Virtual Panel
Soundwalking & Acoustic Ecology | Chicago Parks Foundation
Big thanks to the Chicago Parks Foundation for posting the June 1st, “Soundwalking in Chicago Parks,” interview highlighting the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology’s Night Out In the Parks soundwalk series, employing local teaching artists with support of the Chicago Park District. I describe how our thematically-focused soundwalks can serve as immersive, mindful ways to… Continue reading Soundwalking & Acoustic Ecology | Chicago Parks Foundation
Invisible Places 2017 Call For Submissions
The deadline for the 2017 Invisible Places is November 30, 2016. Its focus is sound, urbanism, sense of place, and acoustic ecology. Submit your papers, proposals for artistic residencies, workshops and soundwalks via EasyChair. The conference dates are April 7–9, and location is Sao Miguel Island, Azores. Keynote speakers are Hildegard Westerkamp and Sam Auinger.… Continue reading Invisible Places 2017 Call For Submissions
Extreme Weather Exhibition
My Radius Episode 63, “SoundTent at Camp Sherwin” (2015) was among the works featured in EXTREME WEATHER, an exhibition at Murmur Gallery, Atlanta, from December 3 – 28, 2015, curated by Meredith Kooi. EXTREME WEATHER received very favorable reviews, including this one in Burn Away.
Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening Lecture at DKSG, June 14
Predavanje: Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening, Eric Leonardson (USA) u DKSG — ericleonardson (@eleona) June 14, 2015
Radius Episode 63, SoundTent at Camp Sherwin May 2
On International Dawn Chorus Day I am inviting local citizens to join me at the shoreline of Lake Michigan at 5:00-6:00 a.m. Saturday, May 2. My “SoundTent” will be located on the beach one block east of Sheridan Road, 20 paces past 1205 W Sherwin Avenue, in Chicago.
Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments
On March 25–26, I am participating in the pre-conference acoustic ecology workshop and overnight field trip to the Beaver Creek Biosphere Reserve, organized by the American Society for Acoustic Ecology. On March 27–29, I am honored to lead and present these panels and papers in the spectacular conference, Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining… Continue reading Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments
Different Worlds | Review of Rub
The Sound Projector, the wonderful, British music magazine and radio show, posted a Rupert Loydell’s new review of “Rub,” my 2013 CD with Auris and Gino Robair. Auris is my trio formed in 2007 with Julia Miller and Christopher Preissing. Rub is available as a joint label on Public Eyesore and Pan Y Rosas.
Soundfest review published
On Saturday, March 30 I was among the artists performing and presenting installations for Soundfest at Amherst College. Katharine Duke’s review was published on Wednesday, April 3rd, with photos by Cole Morgan and Rob Mattson, including an audio excerpt of my piece, “Similaria” here: Artists participating in Soundfest included faculty and alumni of Amherst… Continue reading Soundfest review published