Objects In Motion: Plasticene’s “Light Cycle”

Plasticene performs in the Objects in Motion Festival, a three week festival of puppetry, toy-theater, and object-based performance opening Saturday, March 14, 2009, at The Building Stage: www.buildingstage.com. We’ve taken some explorations and put them into a 17-minute low-tech chamber-piece called Light Cycle (featured in Program A) , performed by Mark Comiskey, Brian Shaw, and… Continue reading Objects In Motion: Plasticene’s “Light Cycle”

Upcoming performances in October and November 2008

I have six performances scheduled for October and November, with more being planned. Three happen in the Third Annual Chicago Calling Arts Festival (CCAF3), presented in various locations from October 1—12. Look further down for my other three post-CCAF shows held at Enemy, Myopic, and Elastic. Please check the CCAF3 Schedule page and this web… Continue reading Upcoming performances in October and November 2008

World Listening Project

I’m working on a new project initiated by Dan Godston called the World Listening Project. What is it? The goals of the World Listening Project are to collect field recordings from every country on earth, to create a sonic map of the world, and to archive those recordings on a website. Many of the recordings… Continue reading World Listening Project

Radio Without Boundaries 2008, post-conference notes

The conference was a wonderful experience. Highlights, moments of curiosity, and conviviality: conversations with Trademark G, who performed on Saturday; capturing a spontaneous conversation about listening and the conference on my DAT with Amber and Andrea from Union Docs in Brooklyn; meeting Chantal Dumas; hanging out with Anna Friz, Peter Courtemanche, Glen Gear, who performed… Continue reading Radio Without Boundaries 2008, post-conference notes

Radio Without Boundaries 2008

This weekend I’m attending the 7th annual Radio Without Boundaries conference on Radio & Transmission Art in Toronto. Among the participating artists and producers are Tetsuo Kogawa (Japan), Chris Brookes (Can), Jared Weissbrot (USA), Trademark G (USA), Chantal Dumas (Can), Anna Friz (Can), Andreas Kahre (Can), Peter Courtemanche (Can), Damiano Pietropaolo, and Neil Sandell (Can).… Continue reading Radio Without Boundaries 2008

Featured on Third Coast International Audio Festival

Anna Friz was recently featured on the Third Coast International Audio Festival (TCAIF) podcast. Anna writes: “There’s a bit of interview, a shorter version of an older piece called ‘The Clandestine Transmissions of Pirate Jenny’, and then excerpts from recent work with Eric Leonardson called ‘Dancing Walls Stir the Prairies’. ” This latter piece is… Continue reading Featured on Third Coast International Audio Festival