I curated a selection of works by five artists for the radioCona 0.2425 FM soundart exhibition broadcast and streaming February 28 – March 3, 2016 after nautical twilight 6:16 PM on 88.8MHz FM and live streaming on www.radiocona.si Ljubljana. This edition of the annual exhibition is dedicated to the Earth’s orbit around the… Continue reading radioCona:0.2425 – FM Soundart Exhibition, February 28 – March 3
Category: Listen Online
The Institute for Implied Imperfection – NUMBERS.FM – Saturday February 20
Performance with Jason Soliday (electronics) streaming live on NUMBERS.FM 2 – 4 PM CST. Saturday, February 20, 2016 Visit The Institute for Implied Imperfection for the schedule of past and future shows. Listen to the recording of the performance here.
Radius Sketchpad, Saturday, December 26
Saturday, December 26, 2015 2pm – 3pm, Eastern US Time WGXC 90.7-FM: Hands-on Radio Listen live online wavefarm.org I am featured this weekend on Radius Sketchpad, a monthly program on WGXC 90.7-FM presented by the Chicago-based experimental radio platform, Radius. About this Sketchpad program…
Pullman Soundwalk, WBEZ City Sounds
As a prelude to the MSAE’s Pullman National Monument soundwalk, at 10:30 AM Saturday, October 3, here’s the recording of my appearance on WBEZ’s “The Morning Shift.” I talk with Tony Sarabia about ambient sounds in the city and the value of listening. https://soundcloud.com/morningshiftwbez/listening-to-the-sounds-of-chicago Having a few minutes to discuss a so fundamentally important part… Continue reading Pullman Soundwalk, WBEZ City Sounds
Call In Your Favorite City Soundscapes, WBEZ
Wednesday, September 30, WBEZ’s The Morning Shift will have me on their talk show live, between 9 AM and 10 AM to answer questions about different soundscapes in Chicago, and then take calls from listeners about their favorite sounds in the city. To listen or call in tune in to 91.5 FM, or listen online… Continue reading Call In Your Favorite City Soundscapes, WBEZ
‘Our Sonic Playground’ Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
My research article on urban soundscape awareness for the Journal of Urban Cultural Studies is now available online. “‘Our Sonic Playground’: A model for active engagement in urban soundscapes” is part of special section that “…engages with the idea of activating a ‘sonic turn’ in urban cultural studies scholarship, in part through the evocation of… Continue reading ‘Our Sonic Playground’ Journal of Urban Cultural Studies
Interview By John Lane, Standing In The Stream Episode 19
Standing in the Stream, Hosted by John Lane: Episode 19 This episode features a conversation with prolific Chicago-based multidisciplinary artist Eric Leonardson. We chatted about his work as an instrument inventor/improvisor, his history with experimental theater in Chicago, and acoustic ecology.
Listening Around The Corner: Now Online
To Co Zni Za Rohem / Listening Around The Corner For those who were unable to attend, here is the archived audio from the Listening Around the Corner mini-symposium on Thursday, June 18 at Galerie Tranzitdisplay.
Home Radiation with Jeff Kolar and Anna Friz
Performed and recorded live on May 15, 2015 at Defibrillator Gallery in Chicago, USA.