WFAE, New Journal, New Website

On February 1, 2017 it was my great pleasure to introduce the new issue of a newly formatted WFAE Quarterly News announcing the launch of the organization’s rebuilt website, an active blog, and the publication of the WFAE’s first digital journal, Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, Volume 15.

Soundwalk In Ryerson Woods | Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology

An invitation to Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology’s next soundwalk in the Ryerson Woods Conservation Area. 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. Sunday, November 20 Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods 21850 N. Riverwoods Rd. Riverwoods, IL 60015 847.968.3343 $3/person. Register here or call 224.633.2426 to register by phone. Share the Facebook Event On this soundwalk I… Continue reading Soundwalk In Ryerson Woods | Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology

Invisible Places 2017 Call For Submissions

The deadline for the 2017 Invisible Places is November 30, 2016. Its focus is sound, urbanism, sense of place, and acoustic ecology. Submit your papers, proposals for artistic residencies, workshops and soundwalks via EasyChair. The conference dates are April 7–9, and location is Sao Miguel Island, Azores. Keynote speakers are Hildegard Westerkamp and Sam Auinger.… Continue reading Invisible Places 2017 Call For Submissions

Land Lines | World Listening Day 2016 | Nature Conservancy of Canada

Today my piece about World Listening Day 2016 posted on Land Lines, the blog of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. This year’s theme is “Sounds Lost and Found.” It was devised by Nigerian sound artist, Emekah Ogboh who discussed this earlier today in the #SoundCon x #WLD2016 virtual symposium. This and many other cogent presentations… Continue reading Land Lines | World Listening Day 2016 | Nature Conservancy of Canada

World Listening Day 2016 | Sounds Lost & Found | The 606 Soundscape

For World Listening Day 2016, I have organized a cohort of teaching artists and musicians who will transform our experience of The 606 & Bloomingdale Trail soundscape in Chicago this Saturday, Sunday and Monday, July 16–18. Events will actively engage in new ways of outdoor listening and sound making. Please visit the 606 Soundscape blog… Continue reading World Listening Day 2016 | Sounds Lost & Found | The 606 Soundscape

Ecoacoustics Congress 2016, June 6-8

Tuesday, June 7, I am giving a presentation in the Ecoacoustics Congress 2016, held June 6-8 at Michigan State University in East Lansing. Ecoacoustics Congress 2016 will bring together scientists from around the world for an in-depth conference exploring new frontiers of ecoacoustics research and development. Sessions at this year’s conference will feature: Ecoacoustics Environment… Continue reading Ecoacoustics Congress 2016, June 6-8

Report from Balance-Unbalance 2016 in Manizales, Colombia

Greetings! Here is some news from Balance-Unbalance in Manizales. Following my “Eco-sensing” talk on Monday, I presented briefly in a large global Live Audio Streaming Panel with Grant Smith on Wednesday. Video of the panel stream is now archived here on YouTube. We enjoyed discussing our experiences and ideas about real time location-based audio and… Continue reading Report from Balance-Unbalance 2016 in Manizales, Colombia

Balance-Unbalance 2016: Data Science + Eco Action

4:30 PM Monday, May 9, I am giving a presentation titled “Eco-Sensing and the Soundscape” in the Balance-Unbalance 2016: Data Science + Eco Action conference. The 5th edition of Balance-Unbalance (BunB 2016) will be held May 9–11, 2016 in Manizales, Colombia. BunB 2016 is designed “…to use art as a catalyst to explore intersections between… Continue reading Balance-Unbalance 2016: Data Science + Eco Action

Water-wheel Water Works! 4 Presentation

Archived on the Water-wheel, my presentation for Water Works! 4 on March 18, 2016. Watch and listen to my co-curators’ Leah Barclay and Ricardo Dal Farra presentations. All presentations are archived at Water-wheel Media Centre. I presented works by Christina Kubisch & Eckehard Güther, Jay Needham, Christopher DeLaurenti, and Thomas M. Siefert & Lasse-Marc Riek.… Continue reading Water-wheel Water Works! 4 Presentation

WATER WORKS! Friday-Saturday 18-20 March

I am one of the curators for WATER WORKS! the 2016 Waterwheel online sharing event devoted to water in its social, economic, scientific, and artistic manifestations. Over this weekend people around the world can sign in for free to host or watch events at the Tap. My four selected works are “Railroad Storm Drain” by… Continue reading WATER WORKS! Friday-Saturday 18-20 March