March 28, Perfomance with Jonathan Chen and Anne Guthrie at Panopoly Lab

8pm Thursday, MARCH 28, 2013 The Panoply Performance Laboratory 104 Meserole St Brooklyn, NY 11206 Directions I perform on this evening with Jonathan Chen (violin) and Anne Guthrie (french horn). Also performing that evening an fantastic group of improvising musicians on acoustic, electronic, and electroacoustic instruments: SULT – Tony Dryer (contrabass), Jacob Felix Heule… Continue reading March 28, Perfomance with Jonathan Chen and Anne Guthrie at Panopoly Lab

November 19 at Myopic With Albert Wildeman (bass)

7:30 PM, Monday, November 19 Myopic Bookstore 1564 N. Milwaukee Avenue Chicago, IL 60622 Find us up on the second floor. Albert Wildeman (bass) and Eric Leonardson (springboard, electronics) perform in the weekly Myopic Improvised/Experimental Music Series, curated by Fred Lonberg-Holm, Brian Labycz and Aaron Zarzutzki. More info the Myopic Improvised/Experimental Music Series: Find us… Continue reading November 19 at Myopic With Albert Wildeman (bass)

Baschet Brothers Musical Sculpture

Experimental musicians Hal Rammel, Eric Leonardson, and Ed Herrmann will play and accompany François and Bernard Baschet’s Aluminum Piano (1962). Free with museum admission.

Crystal Baschet Concerts with Hal Rammel and Ed Herrmann

Friday, July 1 at 2–3 p.m. 4th floor gallery, Museum of Contemporary Art. Free with museum admission. Experimental musicians Hal Rammel, Eric Leonardson, and Ed Herrmann will play and accompany François and Bernard Baschet’s Aluminum Piano (1962) in the museum’s gallery. Museum of Contemporary Art 220 East Chicago Avenue Chicago IL 60611 This performance is… Continue reading Crystal Baschet Concerts with Hal Rammel and Ed Herrmann

Explode The Monkey #4: Chicago Edition @ Enemy

Eric Leonardson joins Berlin-based turntablist/sound artist Ignaz Schick, and many others, performing in two nights of experimental music @ Enemy. Doors open at 8:00 p.m. Music starts at 9:00 p.m.

Christian Pincock, Guillermo Gregorio, and Eric Leonardson Celebrate Art’s Birthday Live at Enemy

7:00 PM Sunday, January 16, 2011 Celebrating Art’s Birthday 2011 with Christian Pincock and Guillermo Gregorio at… Enemy 1550 N. Milwaukee Avenue, 3rd floor Chicago IL 60622 Albuquerque-based composer Christian Pincock performs original improvised compositions on electric valve trombone. Using a computer-based instrument of his own creation (using MAX/MSP) and a system of sensors… Continue reading Christian Pincock, Guillermo Gregorio, and Eric Leonardson Celebrate Art’s Birthday Live at Enemy

Shapes of Sound exhibition online

Hal Rammel inspired me to make my own instruments in 1990. Tonight, I learned from him that a web page about the wonderful exhibition of experimental musical instruments and their inventors, The Shapes of Sound: Musical Instruments and the Imagination in the Midwest, curated by Hal is now online. I was honored to be among… Continue reading Shapes of Sound exhibition online