Sound Department Colloquium Series – Feb 25

SOUND DEPARTMENT COLLOQUIUM SERIES SPRING 2016 ERIC LEONARDSON Thursday, Feb. 25th, 4.15 p.m. Room 522, 112 S Michigan This presentation open to all School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) students, staff, and faculty. Find the poster (PDF) here.

Ragdale Residency | January 2016

From January 4 through 29, I am at Ragdale for my second artist’s residency. I posted on this blog about my wonderful experience and productive time spent here in 2015. Here is my invitation to a soundwalk I will lead on January 24, at Ragdale for Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology members and fellow Ragdale… Continue reading Ragdale Residency | January 2016

‘Our Sonic Playground’ Journal of Urban Cultural Studies

My research article on urban soundscape awareness for the Journal of Urban Cultural Studies is now available online. “‘Our Sonic Playground’: A model for active engagement in urban soundscapes” is part of special section that “…engages with the idea of activating a ‘sonic turn’ in urban cultural studies scholarship, in part through the evocation of… Continue reading ‘Our Sonic Playground’ Journal of Urban Cultural Studies

GSSN Grassland Soundscapes Workshop

On July 12–18 I am participating in the Global Sustainable Soundscapes Network Grasslands Soundscape Workshop, beginning at the Crane Trust, 98 miles west of Lincoln, NE. I participate in a roundtable with Chris Bocast on performance strategies, and Friday afternoon we are in Sioux Falls, SD where I give a talk on “ways of listening.”… Continue reading GSSN Grassland Soundscapes Workshop

Listening Around The Corner: Now Online

To Co Zni Za Rohem / Listening Around The Corner For those who were unable to attend, here is the archived audio from the Listening Around the Corner mini-symposium on Thursday, June 18 at Galerie Tranzitdisplay.

June 18: Listening Around The Corner at TranzitDisplay, Prague

To Co Zni Za Rohem / Listening Around The Corner Thursday 18 June, 2015 18 – 21:30h Galerie Tranzitdisplay Dittrichova 337/9 12000 Praha 2

June 5: Lecture in Klingt Gut! Symposium on Sound

On Friday, June 5 I give a lecture on “Soundscape Awareness” at 3:00pm in “Lecture 3: Understanding Sound” with lectures until 6:00pm by Helmut Wittek: On the Sound of Microphones, and Lars Ohlendorf: Funktionale Klänge.

June 4: Klingt Gut! / Sounds Good! Field Recording Workshop, Hamburg

On Thursday, June 4 I lead a field recording workshop for the Klingt Gut! / Sounds Good! Symposium on Sound, presented by Hamburg University of Applied Sciences and the Audio Engineering Society Hamburg Student Section at the Arts and Media Campus Hamburg, Germany.

WFAE NEWS April-June 2015 edition now online

The April-June edition of World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) News Quarterly is now online. My “President’s Report” updates readers about publication of the next Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, and previewed some of the many exciting events concerning artistic and technological responses to impending disasters concerning water and climate at the Balance-Unbalance 2015… Continue reading WFAE NEWS April-June 2015 edition now online

Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments

On March 25–26, I am participating in the pre-conference acoustic ecology workshop and overnight field trip to the Beaver Creek Biosphere Reserve, organized by the American Society for Acoustic Ecology. On March 27–29, I am honored to lead and present these panels and papers in the spectacular conference, Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining… Continue reading Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments