WFAE NEWS April-June 2015 edition now online

The April-June edition of World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) News Quarterly is now online. My “President’s Report” updates readers about publication of the next Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology, and previewed some of the many exciting events concerning artistic and technological responses to impending disasters concerning water and climate at the Balance-Unbalance 2015… Continue reading WFAE NEWS April-June 2015 edition now online

Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments

On March 25–26, I am participating in the pre-conference acoustic ecology workshop and overnight field trip to the Beaver Creek Biosphere Reserve, organized by the American Society for Acoustic Ecology. On March 27–29, I am honored to lead and present these panels and papers in the spectacular conference, Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining… Continue reading Balance-Unbalance 2015: Water, Climate and Place, Reimagining Environments

In the Media | Sound experts make art of the noise all around

On January 19 Chicago Tribune, columnist Barbara Brotman published this interview with me. Sound experts make art of the noise all around us – Chicago Tribune… — MSAE (@MidwestSocAE) January 19, 2015 We discussed urban soundscape awareness, the upcoming soundwalk in Ryerson Woods and concert by Chicago Phonography, on Sunday, January 25, 2015 organized… Continue reading In the Media | Sound experts make art of the noise all around

Ragdale Residency | January 2015

In January I am honored to be an artist-in-residence at Ragdale, a non-profit artists’ community in Lake Forest, Illinois. The estate includes live-in studios and a 50-acre prairie. My 25-day residency will provide time for many interests. This includes studio work, writing, class preparation, tour planning, and acoustic ecology. I will lead a public soundwalk… Continue reading Ragdale Residency | January 2015

Oct. 26, New Music Chicago at Green Mill

(2:00pm – 5:00pm) NEW MUSIC at the GREEN MILL Sunday October 26 2:00pm – 5:00pm $5 New Music at the Green Mill Sunday Matinee New music from Jeff Kowalkowski and George Flynn Featuring: Eric Leonardson – Acoustic Ecology MC George Flynn – piano Laila Bowie – vocals Jeff Kowalkowski – keyboards Mark Hardy – keyboards… Continue reading Oct. 26, New Music Chicago at Green Mill

Oct. 16-17, Listen(n) Symposium: Acoustic Ecologies of the American Southwest Deserts

2:30pm MST Friday, October 17th I am giving a talk in the Listenn Symposium on Acoustic Ecologies of the American Southwest Deserts, at Arizona State University. My talk is titled, “Acoustic Ecology and Ethical Listening,” on the fundamental role of listening in everyday experience, the arts, sciences, and humanities. Listen online. Presentations will stream live. Dr.… Continue reading Oct. 16-17, Listen(n) Symposium: Acoustic Ecologies of the American Southwest Deserts

Water Music on the Beach

This is a postscript to mention my debut in a new role, on Sunday, September 7th, as the MC for Water Music on the Beach. Near Berger Park in Chicago, a cast of many wonderful composers and musicians performed that afternoon. This event was organized by 6018NORTH. Please visit Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology for… Continue reading Water Music on the Beach

October 2014 WFAE President’s Report

As President of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) reporting for its online newsletter is one of my routine tasks. My President’s Report report for the October-December 2014 WFAE Quarterly News announces: Administrative changes on the WFAE Board Upcoming conferences Review of July’s WFAE-endorsed Invisible Places | Sounding Cities symposium in Viseu, Portugal In… Continue reading October 2014 WFAE President’s Report

B3 Autumn School Spatial Sound Workshop – Frankfurt

B3 Biennale Spatial Sound Workshop for students and young professionals in Frankfurt apply by Sept. 10 — ericleonardson (@eleona) September 6, 2014 English version see below. Vom 29. September bis 4. Oktober findet die Autumn School des B3-Festivals in Frankfurt statt. Als besonderes Highlight für Audio-Interessierte gibt es den Workshop “Spatial Sound”, der sich… Continue reading B3 Autumn School Spatial Sound Workshop – Frankfurt