Janaury 2014 WFAE President’s Report

My President’s Report for the year-end issue of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) Quarterly News has been published. This issue includes “Teaching Sound and Listening: Auditory Experiments”, a feature article by Leonardo Cardoso and a research/project report “Mapping the Sounds of Collections: Listening to Museums and Archives” By John Kannenberg. My report provides… Continue reading Janaury 2014 WFAE President’s Report

Saturday, December 7, Performance by Jay Needham and Report on Acoustic Ecology

3PM Saturday, December 7 Experimental Sound Studio 5925 North Ravenswood Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60660 Admission free, more details at www.mwsae.org. The Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology (MSAE) hosts a performance by sound artist and President of the American Society for Acoustic Ecology (ASAE), Jay Needham, entitled This is a Recording, a work for radio and… Continue reading Saturday, December 7, Performance by Jay Needham and Report on Acoustic Ecology

New article published in Leonardo Music Journal 23

Leonardo Music Journal 23 has published “Instruments of Tension: Gramophones, Springs and the Performance of Place,” an article co-authored with Jay Needham. In it, we describe the process and metaphors of our 2012 performance of “Chronography:animal.” This work is based on Jay’s 2009 field recordings from Antarctica and Herbert Ponting’s 1911 photograph of Chris the… Continue reading New article published in Leonardo Music Journal 23

November 7 and 8, Concert and Soundwalk in Marquette, MI

Thursday, November 7, at 7:00 p.m., in the Peter White Public Library’s Community Room I perform at the City of Marquette Arts and Culture Center’s “First Thursdays” Concert Series. My concert will be followed by a lecture-demonstration about the Springboard, including the technical, historical, musical and creative concerns that inspired its invention and performance. Friday,… Continue reading November 7 and 8, Concert and Soundwalk in Marquette, MI

October 22 “Our Sonic Playground” At Musuem of Contemporary Art

6–8:00 pm Oct 22, 2013 Museum of Contemporary Art 220 E Chicago Avenue Chicago IL 60611 Admission: FREE I am leading a public, interactive event on Oct. 22, part of a weekly Tuesday evening series organized by the Education Department at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago. The activities planned will actively engage the… Continue reading October 22 “Our Sonic Playground” At Musuem of Contemporary Art

World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) Quarterly News

This week I finished my President’s Report for the year-end issue of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) Quarterly News. Please visit to learn what this diverse community and field of artistic, scientific, and educational activity is about. This issue includes “Misconceptions of a Silent North”, a feature article by Carmen Braden and a… Continue reading World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) Quarterly News

Ways of Listening, Figures of Thought: A Festschrift for R. Murray Schafer on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday

While living in Amherst, MA and traveling in Europe this spring, I co-edited a 72-page book with Sabine Breitsameter, entitled Ways of Listening, Figures of Thought: A Festschrift for R. Murray Schafer On the Occasion of His 80th Birthday. Published in July by Hochschule Darmstadt, the Festschrift collects statements from 25 internationally esteemed authors, composers,… Continue reading Ways of Listening, Figures of Thought: A Festschrift for R. Murray Schafer on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday

World Listening Day 2013: R. Murray Schafer Tribute at Stratford Summer Music Festival

It was a sweltering evening at The Church Restaurant, in Stratford, Ontario on 2013 World Listening Day, where my friend Sabine Breitsameter and I had the honor of joining R. Murray Schafer, his wife Eleanor, and a large group of a hundred people in celebration of and tribute to Schafer on his 80th birthday, at… Continue reading World Listening Day 2013: R. Murray Schafer Tribute at Stratford Summer Music Festival

Special Seminar, “Sound, Silence and Acoustic Ecology”

On Thursday June 20 I will present in a seminar on “Sound, Silence and Acoustic Ecology.” This is an invitation-only event held in conjunction with the Silence Exhibition, curated by Alex van Oss. The exhibition is open to the public at the Embassy of Finland on June 29-30 and July 13-14, from 11 AM to… Continue reading Special Seminar, “Sound, Silence and Acoustic Ecology”

April 28, New England Forum for Acoustic Ecology at Studio Soto

5pm Sunday, April 28, 2013 I will be the special guest of the New England Forum for Acoustic Ecology (NEFAE) for a public talk, followed by a reception and concert with NEFAE members. Studio Soto 10 Channel Center Street Boston, MA www.studiosoto.org suggested donation $10 Facebook Event Read the Program here: