The American Society for Acoustic Ecology Symposium and Retreat, happens July 9—11, 2010. It’s the first acoustic ecology conference to be held in Chicago. I’m one of the organizers as well as the founder and director of the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology. Feel free to contact me with questions and/or ideas. Contact or… Continue reading Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology : American Society for Acoustic Ecology Symposium and Retreat, July 9—11, 2010
Invitation to WFAE Conference in Koli, Finland
I’m happy to announce that I have been invited to present in the International Conference of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology, “Ideologies and Ethics in the Uses and Abuses of Sound”, hosted by the University of Eastern Finland, Cultural Studies Department and the Finnish Society for Acoustic Ecology (FSAE). The conference will happen on… Continue reading Invitation to WFAE Conference in Koli, Finland
CASE 4th International Soundscape Retreat & Symposium
speaking at the Canadian Association for Sound Ecology (CASE)’s 4th International Soundscape Retreat & Symposium: Negotiating Space/Place In the Changing Soundscape
Online Report Published in WFAE Newsletter
The World Forum for Acoustic Ecology’s WFAE Newsletter published my brief report about Megalópolis sonoras: Identidad cultural y sonidos en peligro de extinción (Sound Megalopolis: Cultural Identity and Sounds in danger of extinction) in the May-June, 2009 issue. This conference was hosted by the Mexican Forum for Acoustic Ecology at Fonoteca Nacional, 23-27 March, 2009 in… Continue reading Online Report Published in WFAE Newsletter
The May-June WFAE Newsletter is now Online!
On Wednesday the May-June issue of the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology’s online newsletter was published with my report about the Sound Megalopolis conference in Mexico City. The announcement (re-posted) The May-June WFAE Newsletter Now online:
Report from Sound Megalópolis In Mexico City
A brief conference report on Megalópolis Sonoras: Sonidos en peligro de extinción (Sound Megalopolis: Cultural Identity and Sounds in danger of extinction) organized by the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology (WFAE) and the recently founded Mexican Forum for Acoustic Ecology. The conference took place March 23–27 at the gorgeous Fonoteca Nacional in the beautiful Coyoacán… Continue reading Report from Sound Megalópolis In Mexico City