It is my great pleasure to announce that the latest edition of Soundscape: The Journal of Acoustic Ecology has been released by the World Forum for Acoustic Ecology.
Soundscape, Volume 16 is the second of a pair of issues sharing the theme of guest editor Jay Needham, “Sounds Emergent: Diverse Ecologies.” This edition celebrates the life and work of Pauline Oliveros with articles by Edward Shanken, Yolande Harris, Seth Cluett, Tomie Hahn and Stephan Moore. Also included are reviews and commentary by Honna Veerkamp, Maile Colbert and Heather Contant and an extended article on augmented reality audio by Leah Barclay. My own report touches on various WFAE activities throughout 2017 including affiliate news and endorsed events and conferences. Read more on our announcement and download the PDF.