Launch of a series of sonic art events curated by Magali Babin and hosted by Galerie Verticale in Laval, Québec. On Friday, September 28 and Saturday, September 29 Natalia Petkova performed, with amplified horns transmitting their sounds to handheld, portable FM radios. Jen Reimer and Max Stein collaboratively performed a multi-channel sound composition. Douglas Moffat… Continue reading Photos From AUDIOPARC Launch In Laval, Québec
Tag: Patrice Coulombe
AUDIOPARC et lancement de la programmation de l’automne 2012
Andra McCartney and Eric Leonardson speak and lead soundwalks around the Métro de la Concorde, for Audioparc, a series of sonic art events curated by Magali Babin and hosted by Galerie Verticale in Laval, Québec. AUDIOPARC is meant to present new and captivating projects with the bold idea to make Laval a playground for the… Continue reading AUDIOPARC et lancement de la programmation de l’automne 2012