Within a Grain of Sand: Our Sonic Environment and Some of Its Shapers

The Sounding Out! blog on sound studies has a new post by Maile Colbert on the Soundscape and World Listening Day. Within a Grain of Sand: Our Sonic Environment and Some of Its Shapers features five brief interviews with people active in the effort to define and explore the notion of soundscape.

Sounding Out: A Sound Studies Blog provides an outlet for midnight ruminations on the role of sound and listening in our contemporary culture. Sounding Out provides you with the freshest insight and the latest commentary on the emerging field of sound studies and its many cultural manifestations. Once a month, our dedicated cadre of writers will sound out the shifting territory of sound studies from different geographical, social, and intellectual vantage points. From the familiar strains of American pop culture to the more uncharted terrains of “noise music” shows, film editing rooms, and dusty analog technology, Sounding Out will amplify the many ways in which sound not only shapes your world, but makes it. Follow us on Twitter!: http://twitter.com/soundingoutblog

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