Opening Friday, January 20, 7:00 to 10:00 pm
National Wet Paint | Make Sound Exhibition
SAIC Sound MFA students, Jonny Farrow and Ethan Rose, featured in the inaugural Make Sound 2012 exhibition at the Zhou B Art Center, curated by Julia A. Miller, Christopher Preissing, and me. Auris (Eric Leonardson, springboard; Julia A. Miller, guitar; Christopher Preissing, flute) performs from 7:30 to 8:30 pm during the reception.
1029 West 35th Street
Chicago, IL 60609
Tel: 773-523-0200
Make Sound 2012 is a partner exhibition to the National Wet Paint Exhibition 2012, and is organized in a similar fashion. MFA candidates and recent MFA recipients in sound art, installation, and performance will be honored and exhibited alongside those in Wet Paint.
Now in its first year, Make Sound 2012 focuses on Chicago-based artists, expanding to national submission-based curatorial efforts in the future.
Jonny Farrow, Feed3+
Feed3+ is an audio/visual improvisation utilizing a no-input feedback system that generates the audio, and a Jitter-manipulated video feedback system that generates the visuals. The visuals create an instant score for the audio performance. Feed3+ is the sum of three interdependent feedback loops: the audio, the video, and the performer’s reading and manipulation of the score. For more information visit:
Ethan Rose, Movements
Movements consists of a series of individually treated, electrically-powered music boxes that use the gallery wall as a resonating body. Each individual music box was physically altered by selectively bending back tines, resulting in a melodic reduction of the original composition. The altered boxes are then grouped and controlled by timers that intermittently activate different sections of the piece in order to engage a constantly shifting non-linear auditory experience. For more information visit:
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