Eric Leonardson’s Art’s Birthday 2011 Archive
Audio and images of performances by Christain Pinock, Guillermo Gregorio, and Eric Leonardson recorded on Sunday, January 16 at
Enemy (Chicago, USA).
Control + click on this link to download and unzip the (101 MB) folder containing one Ogg Vorbis file. The total length of the concert recording is 68 minutes.
Images from the concert are featured on Flickr. Direct link to the photo set:
The first set is a duet by Eric Leonardson and Guillermo Gregorio; the second set is Christian Pinock solo, and the third and final set is all three players together.
Read this previous post for further information on Art’s Birthday party at Enemy.
This 2007 essay by Anna Friz explains the ideas and history of Art’s Birthday, and the notion of the Eternal Network. Today (January 23, 2011) Kunstradio will broadcast its review of the Art’s Birthday parties, sampling from the archives of the celebrations held last week around the world.