Recently, I started using AudioBoo and found it to be a fun social media “play thing” for posting field recordings. One interesting feature with potential for serious use is AudBoo’s ability to create a podcast in the iTunes Music Store. There you can download to the files or “boos” as well as subscribe to the podcast. You can tag your boos, search boos. This is the link for my AudioBoo. As in Twitter you can follow the profiles. You can also subscribe to everyone’s AudioBoos on the iTunes AudioBoos full podcast.
When this “what’s new” blog gets upgraded to a more current version of WordPress I will be able to try the AudioBoo plug-in, enabling visitors to subscribe to my AudioBoo atom and RSS feeds for my AudioBoo profile.
An alternative to AudioBoo is radio aporee created by Udo Noll in Berlin . Both interface with Google Maps. I think of it as a field recording sharing project with many uses:
- newsfeed:
- forum:
- stream:
A reminder here that you are always welcome to eavesdrop on my local soundscape, in real-time, on the global Locus Sonus Audio Streaming Project Map, or listen the stream from my location at “chicago – westside”. Many of the “boos” that I post are recorded from my Loustream, via the streambox.
Regarding social media or web 2.0 stuff in general, I’ve been maintaining multiple sites on FB, Myspace, etc. for my personal projects, in addition to this “what’s new” blog. The Myspace profile feels like a chore to use now, while Twitter, Youtube, Facebook keep me engaged.
Best wishes for 2010,