10 a.m.–6 p.m. Monday, April 20
Conaway Center 1104 S. Wabash Ave., 1st floorColumbia College Chicago, IL 60605
Listening to Our Planet is a daylong event that celebrates the Earth and its natural beauty and resources. This multi-disciplinary event is a part of Columbia College’s Critical Encounters Earth Week 2009 program, organized under the theme of “Human / Nature”.
Listening to Our Planet will showcase art works by individuals and community groups, including the World Listening Project and the Midwest Society for Acoustic Ecology. Participating departments and programs include the Columbia College English Department and New Millennium Studies program. Raquel Castro’s film, Soundwalkers will be screened, and I will be having a conversation with world renowned author of Wild Soundscapes: Discovering the Voice of the Natural World, and nature sound recordist Bernie Krause.
Listening to Our Planet is free and open to the public.
10:00 a.m.: Introduction
- Images from the Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef are shown.
- Images from Lisa Fedich’s and Lindsay Obermeyer’s Cool Globes are shown.
- Lindsay talks about her involvement with Cool Globes.
- The images and poems seen on Lisa’s Cool Globe were created by children and teens who worked with Lisa, through Snow City Arts at Rush Children’s Hospital.
- Chad Clark from Chicago Phonography and the World Listening Project plays field recordings.
10:30 a.m.: James Armstrong reads selections of his poetry, via skype.
- Students from ACT Charter School read selections of their poetry. These poems were written during a Project AIM residency.
- Julia Goldburg is the classroom teacher, and Dan Godston has been the teaching artist during this residency.
- Project AIM is part of the Center for Community Arts Partnerships.
- Chad Clark plays WLP field recordings.
11:00 a.m.: Students in Maureen Ewing’s Writing & Rhetoric II class give presentations.
Chad Clark plays field recordings.
11:30 a.m.: Alpha Bruton talks about work she has done as a master gardener, with urban gardening in Chicago.
- Betta Broad talks about Earth Day New York, over the telephone.
- Chad Clark plays field recordings.
12 noon-3:00 p.m: The Essay Smash
Chad Clark and Jayve Montgomery from the World Listening Project play field recordings.
3:00 p.m.: Joyce Jenkins, Editor/Publisher of Poetry Flash, talks about the Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival
- Kurt Brown reads selections of his poetry over the telephone.
- Christine Dawson talks about her Floating English Garden project.
- Steve Scott reads several poems. Students in Dan Godston’s New Millennium Studies class present creative projects.
- Jayve Montgomery plays field recordings.
3:30 p.m.: Projects created by young Urban Gateways artists are presented.
- Students in Dan Godston’s New Millennium Studies class present creative projects.
- Jayve Montgomery plays field recordings.
4:00 p.m.: Students in Dan Godston’s New Millennium Studies class present creative projects.
- Excerpts from The Soundscape, by R. Murray Schafer, are read.
- Soundwalkers, a video by Raquel Castro, is screened.
- Jayve Montgomery plays field recordings. Alison Hawthorne Deming reads selections of her poetry, via skype (4:15).
4:30 p.m.: Students in Dan Godston’s New Millennium Studies class present creative projects.
- Wild Sanctuary is introduced.
- Jayve Montgomery plays field recordings.
5:00 p.m.: Bernie Krause and Eric Leonardson in conversation.
- Allan Johnston reads selections of his poetry.
- Students in Dan Godston’s Writing & Rhetoric II class present creative projects.
- Eric Leonardson from the World Listening Project plays field recordings.
5:30 p.m.: Students in Dan Godston’s Writing & Rhetoric II class present creative projects.
Eric Leonardson plays field recordings.
6:00 p.m.: Final remarks
Links to artists and organizations
James Armstrong: http://www.winona.edu/english/faculty/armstrong.htm
Kurt Brown: http://www.paulagordon.com/shows/kbrown/
Alpha Bruton: http://www.alphabruton.com/
Chicago Phonography: http://www.chicagophonography.com/
Cool Globes: http://www.coolglobes.com
Earth Day New York: http://www.earthdayny.org/
Critical Encounters: http://www.colum.edu/criticalencounters/
Floating English Garden: http://www.oneclimate.net/2009/03/19/floating-english-garden-art-installation/
Monica Grayless: http://virtualparties.net
Alison Hawthorne Deming: http://www.alisonhawthornedeming.com/
Hyperbolic Crochet Coral Reef: http://dreamingincrochet.blogspot.com/
Allan Johnston: http://www.poetsencyclopedia.com/allanjohnston.shtml
Bernie Krause / Wild Sanctuary: http://www.wildsanctuary.com/
Eric Leonardson: http://www.ericleonardson.org/
Jayve Montgomery: http://jayvejohnmontgomery.com/
Lindsay Obermeyer: http://www.lbostudio.com/
Poetry Flash: http://www.poetryflash.org/
Project AIM: http://www.colum.edu/CCAP/Programs/Project_AIM.php
Snow City Arts: http://www.snowcityarts.com/
Urban Gateways: http://www.urbangateways.org/
World Listening Project: http://www.worldlisteningproject.org